Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Hey Guys!!!!!

Guess you are wondering why I started a new blog, well honestly I got bored and I started getting crap from my old one! Nothing has changed just the name and background, hehe. Hopefully I will have more experience and posts that make more sense (if they ever will!).
So welcome to Sk8er Gurl!!!!! Enjoy and most Importantly HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


JoJo said...

Hey girlie!! Great picture; I love it! I look forward to reading your blog! Take care of yourself, your mom and brother!

l'oreal said...

welcome (again)! i dont know if i remember your old blog... sometimes change is refreshing.

Madi said...

Hey sweetie, changing is good!!! And I guess this looks more like you.

Claire said...

Haha, my daughter just went to a theme party and dressed as Avril. Cute, I love her. Hi Anushka! What might be interesting is for you to post about your life in South Africa. Many of us in the good ol' US of A have very little knowledge about your typical experiences. I know I sound like a boring old lady, but I really am interested. (that's also one of the reasons I read my 16 year old neice's blog)
OMG I hope that doesn't mean I'm some kind of weird voyeur! Yikes, I'll just buzz off now. :)

JoJo said...

That's a great idea Claire! I would LOVE to know more about your life!

Axe said...

Thanks to her mom, the poor soul doesn't have much of a life...YET! Ha-ha!

Welcome again, Lolly! Have lots of Avril fun! I snog you!!!

Your Mother

The Drama Queen said...

Hey "Nushi" I hope you no who i am coz im not gonna tell you!!!

I am very new at this so i have no clue wat 2 say sooooo moving along.

Felix is as crazy as eva and Carry can be just as bad (stay clear wen they r together) i hope can cum c me soon love Meeeee!!!! XXXXX :-) :-> :-*